Saturday, 29 March 2008

AA2 - Semester 3 - Week 4

Recording percussion.
For the 1st one, a recording of a snare, I used an SM57, a U-87 and an AKg414. The trick in the mix is that in the final result, the U-87 and the 414 (which are positioned far from the sound source) are panned 100% left and right.The 2nd one is a bongo. I used all 4 mics of mine (the previous ones plus an MD421) to get my desired sound. This mix contains a stereoised!! MD421 track. (two channels are in 180 degrees of phase difference)
For the third one, I played a tambourine through the recording room in a circle. I was simultaneously moving between the four microphones.. the result is interesting to be listened to in a pair of headphones. (the initial idea was from Freddie)This was my fantastic job of the 4th week.

- David Grice, 'Audio Arts 2.1' Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 25/3/2008