Friday, 14 March 2008

AA2 - Semester 3 - Week 2

This session was about recording voice/vocals. I have personally had some experiences of recording vocals before. However, this time we were told of some tricks and David arose some points which were new to me.
For the exercise, Freddie, Edward and I recorded few takes of different sentences in various intonations:
1- AD: Edward read this sentence as if he were to promote some product, however, the dynamics were not of an issue since he was relatively reading the sentence like a narration in a film:

2- Speech: Freddie read the procedure of starting up/shutting down the studio in a very calm manner; more or less like the normal way he speaks.

3- Dynamics: Same set of phrases were read by Freddie but this time the dynamics were really matters of attention. I used a compressor and basically did some jobs of mixing after the recording:

Here is a good PDF about vocal miking techniques.

- David Grice, 'Audio Arts 2.1' Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 11/3/2008
- Vocal Miking Techniques (PDF Format), California State University - Chico ( [Accessed 14/3/8]

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