Monday, 8 October 2007

CC 1 - Semester 2 - Week 9

Integrated Setup

What I did for this week was not very complicated. In Plogue, I just assigned two sine waves to control two pannings on the mixer. My Plogue patch contained a delay and a reverb. (Both being panned but in different frequencies)
On the other side, I had Ableton Live to add more effects to the final sound and Reason rewired to this whole setup.
I played the keyboard using a very typical retro sound of 80s’ and Erik played guitar.
The result is here; I think everyone knows how to use this DJ MP3 player below...

Setting up bunch of integrated –in this case- softwares would be interesting when “appropriate use of each device’s capabilities” is taken into consideration. By that I mean NOT to use “more” or “less” than needed; example:
Both Ableton and Plogue have the reverb effect (and so does Reason) but I wanted the “reverb” to be a part of what is being “maximised” within Ableton Live. Therefore I reverbed the coming signal IN PLOGUE, and not in Live.
I plan to use more controllers in my final project and less “note playing”. This time I was basically providing the session with some sort of solo; I’d rather change the characteristics of the add-on materials, particularly effects in REAL-time in the project.
Having noted that, my setup would probably be: Guitar -> Plogue -> Reason -> Live -> speakers!
On the other hand I will set a surround system of sounding for my final project; 5.1 and assign sine waves to it in a manner that the sound ROUNDS the room! Nice, hey?

- Christian Haines 'Creative Computing 1.2' Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 04/10/2007
- Performing Expressive Rhythms with Billaboop Voice-Driven Drum Generator. Institut Universitari de l'audiovisual (IUA),Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. (PDF format) (
Wikipedia. ( [Accessed 08/10/07]
- Surround Sound. Wikipedia. ( [Accessed 08/10/2007]

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