Sunday 7 October 2007

AA1 - Semester 2 - Week 9


Apparently I had done more than enough last week; there was no obligation to provide an FM patch. Anyway, -oops- I did it again! And came up with some new stuff…
As you can see in the picture, the 1st FM of mine uses an oscillator as the carrier, which is being modulated regarding a constant value:
The modulation rate speeds up! and slows down with regards to the rate of the amplitude of the first oscillator (oscillator_3).
On the other hand, the other constant value of this patch (Constant value (filter!!!)) is practically an LP filter!

There are two more final results and I put them here. The picture of my pro-tools session is also below to visualise what I was doing!This one below is again some sort of car engine sound! For some reason, I always come up with such things.This one could probably be used for my final project; a person walking!And here we go; my protools regioned! session:
- Christian Haines 'Audio Arts 1.2' Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 02/10/2007
- Frequency Modulation. The University of California
Berkeley Robotics and Intelligent Machines Lab ( [Accessed 07/10/07]
- Frequency Modulation. Federation of American Scientists. ( [Accessed 07/10/2007]

1 comment:

edward kelly said...

great samples :)

you might have however overlooked the idea of giving the carrier a fixed frequency to modulate around as well..

but I am going to give your method a go,, it's itchy !!