Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Forum - Semester 3 - Week 8

The best forum ever, EVER..

Peter Dowdall
Alright, the story is that we got speeched! by some gentleman who has heaps of experience in REAL-LIFE; i.e. sound engineering and recording.
Having spent a notable number of years in the music market of New York, he talked to us about some points which we ave to take into consideration. (of course if we want to end up as a part of this industry).
The tenseness of the job, the value of time and the hardness of satisfying the clients were main topics of his instructions. He took an example of his work for Pepsi; Britney Spears was supposed to sing on a whole bunch of different videos and the final mix was for him to finish.
The various points of technical difficulties expressed by him was my personal main interest.
At the end, I talked to some of my classmates and there were a few who were literally "freaked-out" and were saying that this was not what they would opt to do as their career.
In contrast, I got moer interested in the whole "thing" of audio engineernig and production.
It was a really good one. Congratulations Stephen (or Chrisitian?)

PS: Peter also talked about a recording session which he did a while ago, honestly wasn't really the most interesting topic for me!

This picture below is Peter Dawdall (Britney Spears' sound engineer), South Park interpretation: References:
- Peter Dawdall "Music Technology Forum - Week 8." Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 10/04/2008.
- South Park, Season 12, Episode 1202 "Britney's New Look",Southpark Studios (http://www.southparkstudios.com/) [Accessed 13/5/2008]

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