Tuesday 13 May 2008

CC2 - Semester 3 - Week 8

Controlling Reason via Max MSP

As the topic says, the exercise was to create a patch which sends information to Reason and controls it. The features were supposed to be added to the probability sequencer from the last week.
Since I had screwed up the last week exercise, I had to do a double job!
The MP3 of this week, demonstrates a sequencer set to play notes C, E, G and B (C Major 7th) from different octaves.
There are also controllers for ADSR, filter, etc,... in the MAX patch; of course they control parameters in Reason.
The issue I came across was the common control numbers. For instance controller 25 is for both panning channel 3 in the Mixer in Reason and off the Keyboard Track on the Subtractor sampler. However, there are ways to get away with it.
My patch looks like this:

and the MP3 of around a minute of the result could be found in the Box.net box in the right side of the page.

PS: The TAB key turns the device on and off!

- Christian Haines 'Creative Computing 2.1' Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 8/5/2008
- Max MSP, Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max/MSP) [Accessed 5/5/2008]

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