Wednesday, 7 May 2008

CC2 - Semester 3 - Week 7

Probability Sequencer.

Direct and honest! this was out objective:
Create a probability sequencer application using the multislider object as the fundamental GUI component. The user will select 12 different notes with each note having a certain probability of being triggered. The note will be triggered in sequence at a specific BPM. A table will be used to store the information and a histo / table object will be used to analyse the results of different sequences.I had two major issues: I came up with a patch to serve the algorithm but I used it 12 times! for 12 different notes; I must have been pretty stupid. I know it is possible to use a list, i.e. a set of identical parameters to do this job but SO FAR I haven't been able to do so. Wait for a while, please..
The second BIG issue was that I realised (AFTER I ACTUALLY UPLOADED THIS FILE!) that I had understood everything wrong!
My patch should have done something else basically!
It's funny 'cause what we were asked for, was much easier than what I came up with but there is about 3 hours left to the deadline and I have a class and stuff.. sorry, my bad..

PS: I came up with my project idea and -apparently- Mr Christian Haines has roughly approved it. It's good news, isn't it?
PS2: Week 7 CC was on my birthday, May 1st!

- Christian Haines 'Creative Computing 2.1' Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 1/5/2008
- Max MSP, Wikipedia ( [Accessed 5/5/2008]

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