Tuesday, 21 August 2007

CC1 - Semester 2 - Week 4


The first interesting uniqueness (as far as I know) of Cubase is the algorithm of dealing with MIDI. Usually –and typically- softwares just need inputs and outputs set to proper ports and channels; then different plug-ins, VIs, VSTs, etc apply. In Cubase, you are ought to send the MIDI signal THROUGH the VI or VST that you want to utilise.
The other interesting fact I came across in Cubase was that you have all your different devices, instruments and effects organised in various folders and they are always accessible. I can’t comment whether this is good or bad; but it sure is different. Its positive point could be the fact that you always know your MATERIAL, and the bad side of it could be that you have to divide your mind into two, one to manage your actual sound and the other to keep an eye on the effects’ (or VSTs) folder.

Here is the MP3 of my final result:

Here is the Cubase file:

Christian Haines Creative Computing 1.2' Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 15/08/2007
- Cubase, Steinberg media (www.steinberg.net) [Accessed: 20/08/2007]
- VST - Virtual Studio Technology, Wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Studio_Technology) [Accessed: 20/08/07]

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