Most of my time this week was spent of providing help files for last week’s exercises. Still, I have issues understanding the fundamental differences of Max and MSP; however, I hope –and it seems like- there are not much basic dissimilarities in the logics and the application of various algorithms.
The three parts of this week’s exercise were:
a) Adding mute function to previous objects.
b) “GUIise[1]”ing the previous objects.
c) Creating two signal generators utilising Cycle~ and Phasor~.
Worthy to discuss, for the third part, I opted to merge Cycle~ and Phasor~[2]; forming a patcher with 3 parts: a Cycle~, a Phasor~ and a combination of these two, which works on the basis of having the Cycle~ generating the sound and the Phasor~ modifying it. The 3rd part is signified in the picture since I crafted it in OS platform.
Probably the most notable issue that I faced, was the noise which the objects Cycle~ and Phasor~ made when the phases of their generated waves were changing. I tried several ways to eliminate this noise but since you can not connect a number~ to any of the phase inlets, you would definitely get the noise of dealing with –relatively- low bit rate of number (and not a number~) object.
- Christian Haines 'Creative Computing 2.1' Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 7/08/2008
- Max MSP, Wikipedia ( [Accessed 11/8/2008]
Post Script: Mistakenly, the ZIP file in the widget is labeled Sanad CC2 Week 4. Week 2 is correct, the contents of the ZIP file are all right though.
[1] GUIise = Create Graphical User Interface version of something.
[2] Believe it or not, I spent almost two hours searching for some object called “Rasor~”!
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