For the first sample, I chose to mix the song totally dry (no effects) just using the main audio tracks of the session in pro-tools provided to us.
In addition to be dry, this sample is a mono audio track; therefore there is no panning used in it.

2nd sample of mine, is another dry mixing, but stereo and including some pannings (of the vocal track, guitars, keyboards, etc.

The only difference between 3rd sample and the last two is the usage of equaliser on it. I didn't equalise all the tracks, though. I EQed the drums (kick, overead, etc.), the vocals, the bass, the guitars and the main intro piano.

Personally, I found the 2nd sample more “natural” whereas the equalised one sounded a little “artificial” to me; however, I think I needed some reverb to be satisfied with the sound.
- Halbersberg, Elianne ‘The underdogs’, Mixing Magazine (Accessed [20.05.2007]), (
- Steven Fieldhouse 'Audio Arts I' Lecture presented at the Electronic Music Unit, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 22/05/2007.
- Drury, Brandon: ‘Music Mixing Technique’, Recording Review (Accessed [20.05.2007]), (
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