First things first; I have never been into gaming, I have never understood the concept of wasting time in front of computer ... anyway the point is that I am totally stupid in this field!
For the 1st week analysis of a game sound, I picked the game "The Pawn" by Magnetic Scrolls published in either 1985 or 1986!

The introduction theme (which I never got to hear anyway, but I read that it actually exists!) is fully stereo, MIDI-sounding, multi layer and extremely relaxing tune by John Molloy. Since Paula has been used for this game, it is made using 4 DMA* -driven 8-bit PCM** sample sound channels.
I couldn't find any video of this game anywhere on the internet; my torrent client doesn't work either!
For your sonic experience, you can either check the box at the right side of this page or download the music from HERE.
* Direct Memory Access
** Pulse Code Modulation
- Christian Haines. "Audio Arts: Semester 4, Weeks 1." Lecture presented at the EMU, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 29/07/2008.